A Culinary Journey: The Best Indian Cuisine At Lomba Restaurant- Hotel Kaachi Grand - Hotel Kaachi Grand

A Culinary Journey Begins: An Exclusive Interview with Chef Shahid at Hotel Kaachi Grand


As Hotel Kaachi Grand embraces its mission to offer guests an unparalleled dining experience, it proudly welcomes its newest culinary maestro, Chef Shahid, to lead its restaurant into a new era of Indian cuisine excellence. Chef Shahid, known for his innovative approach and dedication to authentic flavors, sits with us to share his vision and passion for Indian and continental cooking , aiming to captivate both the hotel’s international,Regional guests and the Bhutanese guest.

Welcome to Hotel Kaachi Grand, Chef Shahid! What inspired you to specialize in Indian cuisine?


Thank you! It’s an honor to be here. My inspiration for Indian cuisine comes from my childhood, where food was not just about eating; it was an experience. The diverse flavors, the regional varieties, and the colorful presentations—Indian cuisine is a world in itself. My goal has always been to explore this depth and bring it to the forefront of the culinary scene. I have known that most Bhutanese love an Indian cusine: No wonder as the taste flavor here in Bhutan is spicy.


As the new face of the kitchen at Hotel Kaachi Grand, what unique twist do you plan to bring to the hotel’s dining experience?


I plan to bridge traditional Indian cooking with modern culinary techniques, introducing our guests to dishes that are both familiar and novel. Expect to see classic recipes with unexpected twists, local ingredients spotlighted in new ways, and, of course, the stories behind the dishes that make dining with us an immersive experience.


Hotel Kaachi Grand aims to attract both international tourists and engage the local community. How do you see your role in achieving this?


My role is to create a menu that resonates with everyone, regardless of where they come from. For international guests, we want to offer a genuine taste of India’s culinary richness and continental food. For the locals, we’re focusing on celebrating regional dishes and forgotten recipes, kindling nostalgia and pride in Indian cuisine. By curating interactive dining experiences—like chef’s tables and cooking classes—we can foster a sense of community and cultural exchange.


Sustainability is a growing concern in the culinary world. What steps are you taking towards a more sustainable kitchen at Hotel Kaachi Grand?


Sustainability is at the core of our kitchen’s philosophy. We’re committed to local sourcing, not only to reduce our carbon footprint but also to support our local farmers and producers. We are also implementing zero-waste practices in our daily operations, from minimizing food waste through creative menu planning. The recycling and composting it is what we are looking forward as it is rare practice in Bhutan.


For readers looking to experiment with Indian cuisine at home, could you share a simple, yet authentic recipe they could start with?


Absolutely, I’d love to. A great starting point is Masoor Dal (red lentil curry). It’s hearty, nutritious, and simple to make. You’ll need red lentils, turmeric, salt, ghee, cumin seeds, garlic, and a pinch of chili powder. Cook the lentils until soft, then temper with spiced ghee. It’s delicious, authentic, and a wonderful introduction to Indian cooking.


Finally, what would you like your legacy at Hotel Kaachi Grand to be?

I hope to leave behind a legacy of innovation within tradition where guests not only come to eat but come to learn, experience, and remember. I want our restaurant to be a testament to the rich culinary heritage of India, showcasing its diversity and depth through every dish we serve. Bhutan is not only a carbon negative country but also the best place to live in: I am honored to be working in the place where I feel like heaven to me.


Chef Shahid’s arrival at Hotel Kaachi Grand marks the beginning of a new chapter in the hotel’s culinary journey—one where tradition and innovation meet to create unforgettable dining experiences. With his passion for Indian cuisine and commitment to sustainability, Chef Shahid is set to make Hotel Kaachi Grand’s Lomba restaurant a must-visit destination for food lovers everywhere.

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